Trinity Road SW18
Very close to Wandsworth Prison, this Drinking Trough is full of earth, but no plants, and has been incorporated into the wall outside a pub
Wimbledon Common, Parkside Avenue SW9
This is the only example I've come across so far that is still being used for it's original purpose in that it is still full of water (and leaves!). I would guess this is because the common still has a couple of riding schools that use it as well as the mounted Park Rangers. The splendid drinking fountain behind it though has long since fallen into disuse
I would guess that there would have been cups for the drinkers and the steps are for the younger and smaller Wimbledonians to use and maybe even the odd Womble or two. Dogs had their own drinking space underneath. Each of the sides has a typical Biblical quote with a Temperance message but the dedication inscription on the front edge says it was provided by Robt. Hanbury Esq. MP.
Mitcham Cricket Green, CR4
This trough is situated on a very busy crossroads opposite the Burn Bullock pub so it was impossible to get a photograph of the inscription on the far side which, if I remember correctly, commemorated Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee.
Roehampton High Street
I think this fountain might pre-date the Metropolitan Cattle Trough Association. It's certainly a different style with some very svelte low-slung horse troughs each side of this imposing drinks fountain - so low-slung that they are not immediately obvious in the picture below and I bet more than one little kid went paddling on a hot summers day in the horse water! There were no inscriptions (other than for the local Putney manufacturer, so no obvious temperance links for this one
Wimbledon Common - The Windmill
The second trough on Wimbledon Common but this one is still fully-functional. Horses use it, Dogs drink underneath and humans have their own fountain next to it (the cup on a chain has long-since departed). The date of installation seems to be 1887.
This is the artistic shot - a sad attempt to include the windmill with the sun in my eyes!
Three for one at this trough - horses on top, dogs beneath and humans at the end. Like the one above this was placed near a tavern in order to provide a temperance option for thirsty travelers. This one was erected in memory of all the horses that suffered in the South African (Boer) War
Clapham Common - Near 'Old Town'
Well this one is quite some piece of sculpture - very dramatic in a Victorian biblical fashion. Not working of course but in a very prominent position nontheless
This is a close-up of the dedication plaque with a typical temperance link from the donors. I'm sure I recall a horse trough on Clapham Common somewhere so I hope to find that soon.
Merton High Street SW19
Commissioned by the High Path Tenants Association to celebrate the millennium, these are not Horse Troughs masquerading as flower containers, but rather flower containers masquerading as Horse Troughs! Concrete rather than granite but they deserve a place nonetheless.
Thanks for all these photos, they helped me identify a particular drinking fountain that one of our customer's was trying to find a part for! Didn't know there was such a thing as a multi user trough/fountain!
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