Thursday 13 October 2011

Cheam Sainsbury's and a Mystery Solved!

The recent 'Open Buildings' weekend is always a great oppportunity to go out and have a look at some of those places that you just never seem to get around to in the normal course of life. Mind you, as good a prompt as it is it's not infalible and I've still failed to get a look around the Carshalton Water Tower (maybe next year...).

However I did find myself taking a trip out to Cheam village in Sutton to have look at some of their buildings - mainly the 15th century Whitehall which was very interesting and well worth the (minimal, for me anyway) effort involved. However, when I went for a quick look around at the local shops and buildings - as you can't help doing when you've got a Faded London sort of mindset - I spotted a shop mosaic that looked strangely familiar.
Suspiciously like the Balham shop-front?

The mosaic was just outside a shop that was undergoing a bit of a renovation or a refit. Being a Sunday afternoon it was all shut up but the floral design was identical to one I had seen locally a few months ago and mentioned in a post called A Balham Mosaic.

At the time I thought it was an intriguing on-off and didn't think much more about it but it seems it was actually more like a trade design and what's more I would guess that it was contemporary with the David Greig mosaic and tile-work that I spotted in Brixton. It is, in fact, the corporate design for J. R Sainsbury and on this site not only has the external design survived, but pretty much the whole of the interior has as well! It was tricky to photograph it through the glass doors, especially as it covered the whole of the visible floor-space, but you can get an idea of the quality of the preservation from this threashold mosaic proudly declaring the shop name

Looks as though Blue and Brown were the corporate colours back then

With only a phone camera to capture it through the doors I couldn't get much of a view inside but it was interesting to see that the floor plan was typical of the day with counters running around three walls and the customers safely in the middle. I was also really intrigued to see that the shop-front itself looked original with huge sash windows either side of the door to allow them to convert into open spaces when the weather was decent.

I'm not sure what the future holds for this shop - whether it's part of a preservation scheme, going to be gutted or whether the owners are going to incorporate the original features into whatever it opens up as - but it was a real pleasure to stumble across it in such an unexpected manner.


  1. Lovely discovery. There is a similar 'J. Sainsbury' mosaic in Forest Hill. As for the blue flowers, which you spotted earlier in Balham and appear outside the former Cheam shop, they can be seen in a few other places around London, including Peckham.

  2. What a fabulous discovery. Let's hope it doesn't get destroyed.

    I am old enough to remember an old fashioned Sainsburys in Kensington High Street when I was a child in the 1960s. It had counters with glass fronts/tops round three sides, with the food displayed inside and a wooden wall at the back with a hatch, I think, with more staff behind.

  3. Fabulous post. Thanks for sharing. As a mosaicist, I enjoy seeing mosaics that survived the passage of time so well. They are so durable and elegant.

  4. Hi, I live in Cheam and like yourselves greatly admire the fact that this shop has been preserved by the local council. It was recently renovated by a furniture company who lease the shop and they painted the original dark wooden window frame white which doesn't look as bad as it sounds in hindsight. It certainly smartens up the appearance of the shop which had looked a little shabby up until then and will obviously help protect the old wood and metal beneath. The mosaic is a bit patchy inside the shop where the old fittings were removed but the remainder would act as a template if it were ever to be totally restored. Although a lot later than the other historic buildings in Cheam, it remains one of my favourites!

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  7. Hay its very informative post, really don't know about it. Thanks for sharing and keep update your blog with fabulous discoveries. Thanks.

  8. Amazing mosaic. Congratulations on the discovery :)

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  11. This is very cool, sort of vintage and old school.

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  30. Payday loans for bad credit have been devised primarily for salaried class individuals who are facing the problem of monetary scarcity. Just apply by using an online form and face little documentation trouble.

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  32. Although 12 month payday loans, you can use money from your immediate needs in the same day , you can get the loan in a few weeks or even 3 months. Such an elastic refund allows you to manage your paycheck improved, so that you can have enough money for family expenses.

  33. In order to borrow the moment take advantage the shape of 12 Month Loans individual has to satisfy bound eligibility conditions. in keeping with these eligibility conditions, individual should be eighteen years old-time or a lot of and should hold a citizenship of United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. individual should have a sound and active checking account in his own name. this is often required thus to transfer the borrowed account within the various checking account. A permanent employment could be a should and this employment ought to get the receiver a monthly financial gain of a minimum of £1000 per month. If the individual fulfills all the higher than mentioned conditions, he can simply get the Loans quantity.

    Secured and unsecured square measure the forms during which 12 Month Payday Loans square measure on the market. The money one will borrow with the secured kind ranges from £5000 to £100000 for a amount of three years to twenty five years. just in case of unsecured kind, receiver will elicit cash that ranges from £1000-£25000 and carries a compensation amount of vi months to ten years. twelve month loans square measure given on the idea of borrower's monetary would like and compensation capability. These loans square measure utilized by lenders within the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, to assist individuals solve their cash issues by providing them fast cash to fulfill their lifestyle expenditures.For more information visit @

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  35. Bad Credit Christmas Loans - Another factor to recollect is that reimbursement periods will vary from one loaner to a different. Most lenders provide reimbursement terms of between one and 5 years. However, you'll notice some that supply up to seven or perhaps 10 years. The longer your reimbursement amount the lower your monthly repayments on your unsecured consumer loan are going to be, as you'll be able to unfold your payments over an extended term.

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  40. In the recent years, there has been a sudden rise in number of people who are looking for fast cash help. The reason for rise in demand of additional funds is that income of people is limited and expense never ending. Fulfilling needs without sufficient cash in pocket is not an easy thing to do especially when your payday is quite a few weeks away. With an objective to help people in gaining monetary freedom, financial market of United Kingdom is offering 12 month payday loans that you can make use of for meeting several of your tasks that enter your life out of blue.

  41. Are you one in every of those that area unit probing terrible money crisis and don't have funds to support themselves? Does one belong to the salaried category and earn little monthly income? If affirmative, then you want to be experiencing troublesome time handling even the day to day expenses and such a state of affairs doesn't allow you to form any reasonably savings to organize you to cope with imperative expenditures which will happen within the middle of the month. If you suffer from unhealthy credit history, then things becomes all the harder as currently even the cash lenders reject your application. If you relate to any or all such things and want immediate money to cope with them, then don't despair as you've got come back to the proper place. the 12 month payday loans is bound to resolve your money downside at intervals the tiniest span of your time.

  42. 3 month payday loans would help in dealing with complications comfortably which is not just for a segment but for every second applicant fed up of compromising with their choice day after day. To know more visit here

  43. Installment loans are very helpful for any person in need of money. They are to be paid back in small and equal installments. This is the biggest advantage of such loans. They do not put an unnecessary burden on the borrowers. Even the amount of such installments and the period is decided by the borrower himself or herself.

  44. Christmas Cash Loans impose no burden on people. People can safely access for the comfortable money without following any difficulty in their lives. Once you take a decision about this deal, you never wait for monetary assistance. It is given to you at the same day and you enjoy it to fix up your needs on time. There can be met out various purposes through this deal and they include meeting grocery demands, paying off bills, water supply bills, home instalments and even anything else. There is raised no question by the lenders about expenses and so, it allows you to adjust with any necessity.

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  59. 12 month loans bad credit So, who can not think to live without loans? See the great demand and the response of the debtors for loans of various types , a variety of loans have recently been implemented in the loan market and all those loans worth to 3 months - name.

  60. If you are not able to take support from your kith and kin due to your poor credit profile, you can really set up your mind for this Doorstep Loans deal, which is a good opportunity to take with no credit check. You borrow money with your low credit profile with your arrears, defaults, CCJs, insolvency, late payment, skipped instalments and so on. You can improve it with regular instalments that are the only expectation of the lenders.

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  61. Get quick cash assistance through the help of Text payday loans in order to grasp funds something like £80 to £750 for a short period of time. The sum of cash that you can derive out under text payday loans falls within the range of 100 to 1000 pounds. You can get the advantages of this financial plan for the duration of one week.

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  63. In the middle of the month when usually the pushing place happens and all the money consumed in building up the diverse craves of the one-by-one they precede for the 12 month payday borrowings that provide them coordinated money. It is especially conceived for the salaried individuals when they are getting the cash counting on their loans for people on benefits and repayments capability. In this one-by-one when do not find their monthly wages as plentiful in building up the ever expanding accusations of every day life they opt this.

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  65. While taking a loan, one must be careful to avoid unauthorized lenders that put the borrower in a compromising position, or ask for high interest that make repayment difficult. At the same time, as a borrower it is your duty to provide correct financial information and repay loans on time.

  66. These short term loans help you to gain quick cash assistance to cover unexpected expenses without any delay. Coming up with no verification of the credit, these no credit check loans to apply for the loan without obstacles. This means that your bad credit problems are allowed here, which may contain bankruptcy, foreclosures, insolvency, Cocks , IVA, etc.

  67. Loans for people on benefits The procedure for online application solves all other issues related to the application are available. People can make a living form apply directly according to their convenience.

  68. 12 month loans for bad credit are designed for enabling every individual where you can’t delay expenses suddenly arrives in your life when you have no backup. Click here for more information

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  69. If you want to get your loan sanctioned within the same day of applying due to which you can avail immediate cash support without pledging any collateral then long term loans are best suited loan plan for you. For more information visit at

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  70. Application and easy loans approval criteria are simple and convenient compared to regular loans. Basically, these finances are provided by online lenders. Therefore, the money can be used via the Internet in short time duration. For information about money or financial assistance, borrowers have to connect to the small loans provider website.

  71. This comment has been removed by the author.

  72. Non guarantor loans are designed for qualified applicants have an issue when it comes to give guarantee for loan approval. For more information visit here

  73. Cell phones have a major part in our life. Mobile phones are especially used for communication process. But in todays world mobile not only can be used for communication but also can be used for availing loans. Text Loans UK is the finances which can be availed with the help of cell phones. These finances can be availed quickly and instantly. These finances help you to solve all your urgent wants and needs.

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  74. 3 month payday loans are designed in a perfect manner for every individual who will not let you wait for a long time period when you have to meet some essential requirements within the shortest time frame. Meet the need and pay it back to the lenders in a simple manner. For more information visit here

  75. Love the images...the worn mosaic - Wonderful!

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  76. If you are into a situation where you need money within no time, say within next business hour then apply for same day loans.

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  78. 12 motnh loans allow you to borrow in the same day without credit checks and you can repay in three months in weekly installments. You can borrow without credit checks. To know more information visit here

  79. Fiscal support in the range of 100 pound to 1500 pounds is offered under this deal and you don’t feel tensed how you would return it. It is a very simple task. Just wait for your next payday and then. Settle the loan debt every month till 3 months. It is also your choice to spend your finance for any purpose as it is not discussed by the lenders when you are interested in availing money. In fact, people with low credit profile are also welcomed to take support fewer than 3 Month Payday Loans deal. Arrears, defaults, CCJ, insolvency, late payment and other faults can’t stop you from borrowing money and so, you should not feel helpless at all.

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  80. 12 month loans are meant to be advanced for the time period of about twelve months as is evident by the name itself. Loans with easy repayment plans can be rare but with the availability of such a loan the rarity can be infringed. The fact that these 1 year loans are available for the given time period is not all that there is in such a loan type.

  81. 12 month payday loans are offered to all those money seekers who have sent their request to the people earn a small paycheque from their job. When the money desired applicants have exhausted most of their savings on other expenditures, applying for these financial aids would be the best supportive idea to consider.

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    The filters should be cleaned once per month unless you’re hot tub is used daily or very frequently. The hot tub must be in standby mode and shut off at the breaker. You need to lift the filter carefully and check for debris. If the filter has substantial remains, then it needs to be cleaned more often than once per month. Rinse the hot tub or Spa repair Orlando off with running water. Sometimes the filter needs to be soaked in solution to remove the tougher residue. It is best if you can change the filter annually. For more information visit here .

  83. There is no difficulty in approaching for such 12 month loans deals. One has to end up the online process once and then, he is informed with the approval at the same day. It means that people are allowed to take money in next 24 hours. Though the approval is easy but it can be tough for you if your application is not matching to the eligibility criteria. So, you should not change your mind as you can better support your fiscal conditions. Click here to know more detail here

  84. They can take help of these credits to undertake any unpredicted fiscal crunches.You should be same day loans
    normal member of DSS service from last 6 six months. You should hold a savings account along with the savings of 500 dollars.

  85. If you are approved with quick loans no credit check scheme, you have the right option to acquire quick sum of money in the range of $100 to $1500 bucks. On the other hand, you can also repay loan within 2 to 4 weeks. This is supposed to be small and short term loan designed to help many borrowers who want to acquire quick funds.

  86. If you want to have autonomy without any kind of financial constraints , it is better for you to opt for a loan online . Here you can visit online and receive short term loans Georgia to earn quick money. Since these short term loans bad credit are in the category of short-term loans, it is very popular in the U.S. financial market. So how to get money instantly in the choice of credit , you should prefer these loans. This can take residents of Georgia in claim on the loan to their financial needs . With a few mouse clicks , it is apply for this loan today.

    Basically, Short term loans Georgia by all who are urgently in need of cash can be availed . If you are a resident of Georgia ( USA ), you can can take the loan. You must reach an age of over 18 years. You should have permanent job for more than 5 months. In addition, you must have a valid U.S. account . By meeting the criteria , it is very easy and convenient for you to apply for the loan and the cash acquisition pressing the shortest time. This type of loan is widely used online credit offers with valuable today. Obtaining valuable interest in the use of short-term loans in Georgia, you will save money in the form of repayment.

  87. Long term loans bad credit are devised to tackle the long term financial needs of the people who are living in US. By applying for this attractive cash aid, you can quickly avail cash up to 1500 pounds. The sum of money requested by you will be credited into your bank account within short time period.

  88. Instant approval loans give instant monetary solution to distressed borrowers. These loans are attainable by the borrowers at a very quick pace. Online researching is the best way to sort out the affordable loans ever. , these loans are free from the toiling task of collateral submission and credit check which further facilitates its easy and quick processing mechanism.

  89. This keeps and assists in holding protected a very quick payday borrowings. It is significant for peoples to take converse emblems from some lenders, approximate the place For more information visit at @ to with lone. Furthermore there is no need to submit any kind of collateral as applying these borrowings. These bad credit payday loans are way for you to get cash immediately. You can get no fax payday loan on the alike day.

  90. It is the best alternatives obtainable of impelling money desire Distinct lend conceive increasing are offer t you but you should payday loans for bad credit a lend design which not only assure your assertions but you are proficient to repay it effortlessly too. The repayment time span is from 1 to 30 days. You can payback allowance in very easy installments too. For more information visit at @

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  92. In order to request for identical day borrowings no credit checks, it is furthermore very essential for you to fulfill some obligations such as you must be authentic civilian of US. You should attain overhead 18 years of age. You should contain an hardworking bank account. You should have permanent job with monthly paycheck. With all these periods and conditions, you are permitted to get such kind of lend in very simple manner.For more information visit at @

  93. One hour payday loans are also called as payday loans or cash advances. These loans are available online, including the submission of the application, sanction and deposit of money.

  94. monthly payment loans are those cash advances that are provided to the borrower as soon as possible. Sometimes, they are approved within just a few hours. Since these loans attract a high rate of interest, it becomes important to select the most reasonable and reliable lender for your cash needs.

  95. Most convenient form of applying for 12 Month Loans no Broker Fee is to go with the online applying process. One can do this job whenever he gets time. An application is kept at the site 24 hours a day and it can be filled out with the required details and so, you are able to borrow money in an easygoing method. Now, get rid of any cash challenge that you face as this deal support you till half of the year and you don’t look for any other resource. Apply for such options in a hurry manner and kick out all necessary issues soon. Do submit your application now.

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  97. You haven’t ever thought that a deal can be too justified for you that you can please your unwanted demands in a convenient manner. These days, lenders have arranged many more options in front of people so that they can pick any of them to get facilitated with money. There is no hectic process to meet when you look for finance as soon as possible. Well, credit verification is such a process that takes time when you have applied for a loan scheme but if this feature is missed from the process, it is fast to access for finance and Doorstep Loans are such deals.

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  99. The availing lend allowance may be little but is cooperative to rendezvous unforeseen financial undertakings. All kinds of unforeseen financial adversities like- dwelling enhancement, excursion accusations, unpaid nourishment shop anecdotes, vehicle repairs, tuition accusations for your juvenile young kids can be clarified if you take these borrowings Irrespective of good or appalling borrowing tallies, lenders have proposed Instant acceptance appalling scrounging appalling to every one-by-one. In this kind of financial conceive, there is no firm promise of scrounging verification procedure. For applying of loan, lenders will not demand hefty paperwork, faxing parts at the time of availing lend. You can solace of your house and demand loan by internet.
    Like other types of borrowings, such lend is suggested to be unsecured loan as there is no obligation of placement collateral as security against the loanHere, we have are acceptance appalling scrounging along with turned down interest rates for the convenience of many borrowers. So, when you are in need of pushing cash and save hard-earned cash then you should favor these borrowings.

  100. Because the text loans are very simple to avail, people are becoming more and more involved in getting it. For the process, you would just need to request for the lend and then get it approved for 24 hours. A hardworking bank account, secure job and of legal age; these are some of the requirements required. Online loan application is furthermore a choice and you should take this course because the transaction is much quicker. Visit the connection to get more information on borrowings awful credit.

  101. Really, text loans really loan an assisting hand in times of economic distress. But you should only utilize this during economic crises and not anything additional.
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  102. While availing these 12 month loans s the borrowers avail a very simple and hassle free process. Furthermore, these allocated to even those borrowers who have a poor credit record such as those pains from bankruptcy, cuss, arrears, defaults, late payments, arrears etc.

  103. In addition to these services, no credit check loans furthermore supply numerous other services to these needy persons of the UK society. In addition to, these services the entire periods and condition for the repayment of the loan allowance is very flexible, inexpensive and borrower friendly.

  104. Be certain that your work history makes you trained to receive a payday lend. A lot of text loans yearn to see at 1 month of having a steady income former to granting their borrowings. The lender will generally require you to submit pay stubs to them as verification of your legitimate work annals.

  105. Before signing a text loans agreement, make certain that you fully comprehend the whole agreement. Hefty administration charges often are hidden in the lend contract. Before signing an affirmation, you should know about these charges so there aren't any shocks.

  106. Do you also wish for some quick cash support? Have you tired some of your friends but got no positive response? Are you now planning to take a loan support? You can grab the ultimate cash deal of 3 Month Payday Loans. It is arranged to you without any collateral and thus, you borrow money in a safe manner. One has to do only a job and it is about comparing the quotes of some lenders to check the right deal soon.

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  107. Need cash today can make an online effort to grab finance without wasting time and even with fewer efforts. The offered finance can be utilized for all things. Urgent need of money can be solved by taking loans! Interest rate will also be reasonable with secured option.

  108. 90 day loans are always the comfortable deals for you and you can smartly tackle with all needs in a cool manner. These loans are fully committed to help people suffering with worse credit profile and so, you don’t need to be sad with your credit mistakes as you can handle them with these deals that allow you to get rid of the loan debt with ease.

  109. The borrower has to fill the online registration process before obtaining text loans. When you select this procedure lender, you have to load up out the application form with your full reliable minutia for verification. When your submission process is confirmed and you are supplied with a PIN number to show your identity. You can use this service whenever you need of short term cash. These text loans supply you for doing some absolutely vital expenses which is originating you abruptly. Don’t feel hesitate for your awful borrowing rankings as they will not compose any unenthusiastic collision on the lender. You will be approved loans with your diverse credit obvious errors due to allowance overdue, economic malfunction and so on.

  110. Different types of circumstance are available in the present time; do not need to be afraid of these types of difficulties of the finance because they are adept to bank on text borrowings. The reason is that the allowance is offered for the short-term only to the sad jobbers. These text loans are coordinated for the salaried person, who need the pressing and the short term money before the cash lenders arrive to their doorway. Thus, it is very easy for them to avail the minute bucks by taking the help of the text loans. The salaried people only need having the online registration done on the website of the lender. Through the features of these loans is really perfect on the point of outlook of the lender yet it should be observed by the applicants also.

  111. This comment has been removed by the author.

  112. Monthly Payday Loans through the solutions, you are put through a loan provider straight. You tell him or her, your financing needs. These loans are attractive loans especially designed for bad credit people. You can obtain finance which choice from through cash advance loan service. When you submit your type, it is sent to a list of creditors. You just need to apply for the loan by filling an online form.

  113. Get Fast Cash can be obtained quickly and easily, either in person or online. There are a wide range of payday loans online lenders that offer payday advance online loans. These loans are easy to apply for and you can typically do them at any time during the day or night and have your money in short order.

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  115. identical day borrowings are long term loans uk short time span very quick borrowings proposed specially for the persons who are in some need of money but could€™t get their lend accepted due to their alarming scrounging history. These lends are 24hour-payday-loans.html">fast loans very very fast and very simple to get too.
    numerous persons in their tough time done€™t realist where to accelerate to get the economic help. In our life, there start a number of certain places when we need some direct cash to persuade some of our 24hour-loans-for-the-people-on-benefits.html">cash loans uk absolutely vital yearns. In such positions, going for a good financial help may verify to be very cooperative. We all now that no one likes pointless waiting. We all crave a very quick economic help and so equal day borrowings are the most appealing scrounging choice in all loans-in-24hours.html">online payday loans such scrounging. For More Information Visit at @

  116. 12 Month Cash Loans are even good to avail even when you don’t get support from anyone due to your poor credit rating. It will be enough favourable for you that you can change your credit rating by returning your loan debt on time. Now, it is just made a good option for you to get rid of several problems at once by selecting this deal. It can immediately offer you monetary support up to 1500 pounds and you can even get some more apart from it. However, you would have to ensure the lender that you are a good earner and also concerned to repay your loan debt.

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  117. You can apply 12 month loans easily by putting into use a free of cost as well as no obligation online 12 month payday loansapplication form hat would be given on the website of the money lenders and has to 12 month loans bad credit be filled with personal information. When the process of verification would come to an end, you would get an approval. In just 24 hours, no credit check loans the credit aid would get transferred into your bank account.

  118. No documents payday loans interest rates also can be different bank to bank. So, great for you. Read loan quotes in the time of applying for the loan run order that you can come to know about interest rates, terms and condition and repayment payoff time.

  119. The best part of identical 12 month loans day scrounging no scrounging ascertain is its instant acceptance as the capital are instantly allotted central 24 hours. This is because the kinds are topped up online and retains the prized time of an one-by-one. The 12 month payday loans borrower doesn't€™t have to stand in the long lines as the submission pattern can be effortlessly availed through the solace of your dwelling. Furthermore there is no faxing procedure which makes the procedure of getting capital much quicker. One 3 month payday loans time your lend allowance is acknowledged the capital are adhered in your account inside 24 hours. For more information visit at @

  120. Military payday loans use your income as collateral and one of the reasons why they're so convenient is that a loan based on your payday can be obtained quickly and, most importantly, can be obtained without running a credit report. Thus, coping with additional fiscal requirements has become very easy for disabled people by the assistance of same day payday loans for people on benefits.

  121. The applicant or borrower for loans on benefits obtaining the loan or wishes for the needs of financial assistance need to click on apply box. For application, the borrower must of UK citizens to be, it must be 18 years or older loans for benefits IN is old, it must be a regular source of income and last but not Least it must have a bank account to manifest and transactions to the lender or loans for people on benefits. The conditions mentioned above are eligibility criteria must be met and Die being so, the loan will be paid. For more information visit at @

  122. By taking help of 12 Month Payday Loans, you get rid of many more expenses on time. You don’t locate any new support as it is easily available at online world and no hard condition disturbs you. With such options, you can make money in the range of 100 pound to 1500 pounds for time period of one year and the repayment can be done through easy instalment method. Meet the issues like paying off water bills, electricity bills, medical bills and even any other urgency as per of your need.

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  124. 30 Day Loans are short term loans that are issued to you through the internet and the money is deposited in your account without any hassle. The application process is so simple. You just need to apply for the loan by filling an online form.

  125. The best part of this loan conceive short term loans for bad credit to you is this that it presents money to you for 12 months long time. You have whole 3 month payday borrowings no scrounging ascertain to repay the allowance. You can repay the allowance step-by-step through monthly installment conceive. But if in case you find yourself no credit check loans incapable to pay the allowance of the loan in 12 months then you do not need to disquiet about it. This lend brags you a outlook to make the repayment even after the climax of 12 months. This repayment bad credit loans conceive is of large significance for the borrower as this permits borrower to take breeze in respite even after he has not made ascribe of the loan allowance. For more information visit at @

  126. Do adjustment with every cash scarcity by availing finance through 6 Month Payday Loans and it is the most useful deal working for your comfort. Enjoy cash aid at low interest rate for time period of 3 months and return it in a very easy manner. Online hub provides you with the exceptional ways to hit the 100 Text Loans and it will surely let you grab monetary assistance on time. Feel safe and no tension to borrow money in a fast way as you know how to take it.

  127. No Guarantor Loans are given to all people without any collateral and so, you don’t need to think what to place as security and it will give you satisfaction. Don’t hesitate in selecting this deal that lets you have money with low credit profile as it comes for both the good as well as the bad credit holder. Lenders never stop in supporting people when they are carrying arrear, default, CCJ, insolvency, late payment and other faults as well. Everyone can improve the credit rating too by returning the loan debt on time and so, you should not feel worried.

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  128. All these facts are 12 month loans checked in the context of review and approval is 12 month payday loans easily confirmed on the basis of its authenticity. Money transfer is performed immediately,no credit check loans if the lender decides to go on your side.

  129. Economic crises mat hit any one-by-one at any time quick loans uk without our observe. It may be lesser crises or either it may be a foremost adversity. But it is habitually glimpsed that lesser accusations and craves difficulty an allotment rather than foremost obligations. Therefore to help individuals financiallysame day loans in such places cash lenders have designed identical Day borrowings. This is not any thing but a monetary backing assigned to the individuals in fiscal need. As the name of the accelerate it identifies that it gets acknowledged central identical day loans for benefits of proposal. Borrower do not have to hold up long in alignment to get this accelerate. This accelerate is termed as short tenure buying into. One can effortlessly loans for people on benefits take away cash according to his crave from the proposed money kind.
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  130. Loan saves life from the unexpected cash issues and so, there is no need to hesitate from availing them. You can quickly make instant approach for these loans that come with awesome facilitating features to provide you with immense satisfaction. There is an array of loan services and you can enjoy any of them whenever you long for instant finance. These days, a new deal is enough smart and capable to help you and it is Text Loans that bring you finance without any delay. They have to be applied once and when they are approved, the finance gets delivered to the account in a convenient manner.

  131. 12 Month Payday Loans have been introduced for people and they can be used for the multiple purposes which are related about your personal as well as family demands. You can spend the finance in order to meet the daily expense and even for the vital issues that happen to you and you are expected to meet them with no delay. With No Guarantor Loans deals, you can approach for financial support in the range of 100 pound to 1500 pounds for time period of 12 months and it is clear that the repayment is done through small monthly instalments and thus, it will not give you troubles.

  132. In the present scenario there are many options for people to provide the individual with monetary assistance at times when they are in financial need but among the others individual like the scheme of 15 day payday loans. It helps in providing quick money by making a call. For further information about 15 day payday loans ,15 day loans please visit:
    15 day loans.

  133. To facilitate the purchaser an online facility is furthermore accessible. Now any individual can very effortlessly demand for very quick payday borrowings by his one-by-one or authorized computer.same day payday loans You just have to demand for online suggestion pattern and have to difficulty up the entire wholeheartedly crucial minutia needed by the pattern, such as: title, age, address, job profile, salaries midst with other ones required by the pattern. After stacking the entire minutia in the pattern, you have to submit it online and after suggestion moneylender verifies your pattern. same day loans As shortly as verification method expressed out moneylender acknowledges the borrowings. After acceptance procedure moneylender moves the sanctioned allowance in your bank account as shortly as expected.

  134. 1000 cash advance loan are services which are tailored for settling your earlier debts. You can opt for it in the secured and in the unsecured type. You can thus avail this monetary facility although you are a non-homeowner. Application for this scheme is easy through the online medium. For more please visit us @ 1000 pound loan.

  135. If you are relying on for some reason about the benefits of the Social Security Department for daily needs available , it comes in the list of beneficiaries . If they need additional funds abruptly , loans for people on benefits uk may want to consider loans for people on benefits , because this option loans were primarily designed to provide financial support for those who are living on the benefits of DSS group. The loan program is for those who are physically and illness, the source of income or a lower monthly income are advantageous. With the support of these loans people can use to refer to their current needs suddenly easily or without any restrictions against .

    loans for unemployed are to be obtained unsecured loans as loan applicants do not have anything any collateral against the loan amount and the loan amount is fully available for short entrust give. Moreover, there is no investigation of that loan to credit , tagged people with bad credit score such as amount outstanding , arrears, defaults , CCJs , IVA and so do the benefits of this loan program with no restrictions , and thus the loan amount can be sanctioned without any credit check .

    With the

  136. Make no mistake approach to apply for loans for people on benefits with bad credit! If you go to any online lender , you may be asked to meet a lot of documentation process if you decide to go with any online lender , you can definitely save your time . So , no need to feel discomfort in this matter . You are always ready to face any challenge in life with ease. So if you want to overcome your worst situations with the best decision , you can opt for loans for people on benefit with bad credit really should be approved for registration with less formality and even less hectic issues . Continue to enjoy this deal !

  137. 4 month payday loan are services which are tailored for settling your earlier debts. You can opt for it in the secured and in the unsecured type. You can thus avail this monetary facility although you are a non-homeowner. Application for this scheme is easy through the online medium. For more please visit us @ short loans bad credit.

  138. Money loans for bad credit can be availed with simple and convenient online method these days. As the name goes, these loans are crafted for bad creditors who want to borrow quick sum of money from online lenders.

  139. Loans In Minute are organized for the salary-based folks, who need the urgent and the small amount before the money lenders come to their door. Therefore, it is very easy for them to obtain the minute bucks by taking the help of the same loans.

  140. Loans In Minute are organized for the salary-based folks, who need the urgent and the small amount before the money lenders come to their door. Therefore, it is very easy for them to obtain the minute bucks by taking the help of the same loans.

  141. Cheap payday loans are usually very expensive loan products. This is because of very high APR associated with such urgent offering of cash to the borrowers. This is the reason that many people fall in debts as they cannot pay off the loan interest charges in timely manner.

  142. Mobile payday loans are the means of fund up to £100 only for a miniature repayment term of 7 days. Your next payday can pay off the loan plus rate of interest shortly. Another plus point for you is that you are not subjected to credit checks of any type.

  143. Low fee payday loans are for short term. They are usually for one week or two weeks. But sometimes, when a borrower is not able to pay it within time, it can be extended. Some extra charges are made for this as per extent ion.

  144. Low fee payday loans are for short term. They are usually for one week or two weeks. But sometimes, when a borrower is not able to pay it within time, it can be extended. Some extra charges are made for this as per extent ion.

  145. When the lenders approve the deal of 12 Month Loans for you, you are not asked about you condition. They support people with bad credit score and good score too. You only have to clear these facts in front of the lenders and when they are done, you are approved for finance as per of your suitability. Don’t think that you would be charged anything extra due to your arrear, default, CCJ, insolvency and other issues as they are not the hectic points to note. Anyone can get rid of them easily and it will give you great happiness.

  146. Individual who are affected by financial crisis in the mid of the month are in search for a solution that will help them in handling it swiftly. So for the ease and convenience of the people lenders have introduced the 12 Month Loan By Phonethat will let them to avail money within 60 minutes.
    Are you worried because of your financial hardships? Is yes the go for the 12 month loans no fees that will let them to avail money within 60 minutes.that will provide instant cash to the individual who is in need of immediate cash? In this individual without any hassle of lengthy paper work or faxing of any documents to the lenders can easily avail the cash required

  147. The features of this scheme of unemployed loans are acquiring fund very easily and quickly for which people do not have to ignore the expenses which is necessary to be paid, For further information about loans for unemployed, instant loans for unemployed , payday loans for unemployed, cash loans for the unemployed, doorstep loans for unemployed, fast loans for unemployed, no credit check loans for unemployed, unsecured loans for the unemployed people on benefits, unsecured loans for the unemployed people on benefits with bad credit. please visit :
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  148. The lenders do not have any difficulty in providing capital for the appalling acknowledgment scorer, allowance overdue, defaulters, bankrupted, CCJs, and so on in other phrases awful praise rankers are also supplied with these credits. Debt consolidation, dwelling restoration costs, upkeep of the car, can be enclosed with this allowance. For this reason every little total cost and yearn can be proficient of the United Kingdom nominee feasibly. One can count on instant text loans until he/she gets his/her pay. Online is the most sensible way to get hold of direct funds right in your reservoir account with solace. Well now you can effortlessly live a serene reside on conquering your whole economic adversities unwaveringly. On the termination of the designated day the capital has to be repaid back. On making late town the nominee will have to pay high allegations of penalty.

  149. 12 Month Payday Loans exist at online world and so, you can explore the online lending world at any point of time and so, it supports you anytime. Don’t feel worried as it is a good option to kick out the pressing conditions out of your life and you can keep on smiling in any unwanted situation. So, bring money to your home till one year and use it for any purpose without sharing them with your neighbour as you have ways to handle the problems with your own effort. Don’t feel tensed as it is the best friend for you in your crucial conditions. Opt for 12 Month Loans now.
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  150. 12 Month Payday Loans exist at online world and so, you can explore the online lending world at any point of time and so, it supports you anytime. Don’t feel worried as it is a good option to kick out the pressing conditions out of your life and you can keep on smiling in any unwanted situation. So, bring money to your home till one year and use it for any purpose without sharing them with your neighbour as you have ways to handle the problems with your own effort. Don’t feel tensed as it is the best friend for you in your crucial conditions. Opt for 12 Month Loans now.
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  151. Overall, the facilities are made live to bring comfort in lives of people and no doubt, Door to Door Loans are the unique schemes invented by the lenders. One can make adjustment of any necessity without any delay and thus, the cash crises can be tackled very easily. So, you should not get disturbed when you come to know about many more demands because this deal will give you wings to satisfy any need on time.

  152. Overall, the facilities are made live to bring comfort in lives of people and no doubt, Door to Door Loans are the unique schemes invented by the lenders. One can make adjustment of any necessity without any delay and thus, the cash crises can be tackled very easily. So, you should not get disturbed when you come to know about many more demands because this deal will give you wings to satisfy any need on time.

  153. We all know at some instance of life all come through the problem of financial shortage and meanwhile if they are facing nay unexpected expenses they can take the help of loans with monthly payments.

  154. Well, you have good news to please! There are many more Text Loans lenders available at online world to satisfy you with money without noticing your credit profile. You can get satisfied with cash along with your poor credit rating due to arrear, default, CCJ and insolvency as well. Therefore, make adjustment of any necessity and you have to work nothing tiresome.
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  155. Easy application application step is very easy when you want to get a bad credit loans uk. It just takes a little time to complete, like a second or a minute and fill out some necessary details such as name, address, bank account, the loan amount can fill. no credit check loans No credit check loans online in the UK This money is given to you for a bad credit such as late payments, missed payments , foreclosures, Cocks, IVA, arrears, bankruptcy , insolvency and without provided to others through us.

  156. While taking an advance, one must be mindful so as to escape unapproved banks that put the borrower in a trading off position, or request high premium that make reimbursement troublesome. UK 12 month loans in the meantime, as a borrower it is your obligation to give right money related data and reimburse advances on time.

  157. While taking an advance, one must be mindful so as to escape unapproved banks that put the borrower in a trading off position, or request high premium that make reimbursement troublesome. UK 12 month loans in the meantime, as a borrower it is your obligation to give right money related data and reimburse advances on time.

  158. If you are really interested in instant guaranteed payday loan then you will have to do a little research to find the particular company that offers you the finest services and rates.
    After you have do it, you are now ready to avail the instant loans. Now, you will be given a quote as to how much of a payday loan you qualify for. This is not always case but if you apply and get approved than you have chances to get your amount within 1 or 2 hour.
    Instant payday loans are one of the best options to by which borrowers can avail the cash instantly to finance their personal desire. However, this is great for you to get the cash you need when you need it.

  159. There are several prerequisites for which you have qualified approval same day loans for bad credit lenders. quick loans uk The criteria include, you must be aged 18 years or age or older, you must be a regular employee of the company, and you get a monthly income of £ 1000, which authorized directly to your active bank account. In addition, you have a valid active checking account. After that, you must make an application form online simple, solid base for accuracy and then submit. same day payday loans After confirming your information, the money is transferred directly into your bank account at the earliest time.

  160. People who are in need of urgent cash can take the aid of online application form to apply for the
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  161. When Applying for a the of i you are not required to pledge collateral or security . Additionally ,12 month loans this stock has to worry acerca your credit rating, since the application is Weighed heavily on your job securityno credit check loans and your Ability to repay the i . Another great benefit of These is Is that your application can be approved Within a few hours ,

  162. When you are sad a borrower with a bad credit rating, access to quick money is not exactly always easy. However, no credit check loans there is no credit check is helping to bridge the rift between those who can and those who do not have credit card. If you are looking for quick access to money, but fear the consequences of your bad credit, no credit check is your best option for you. bad credit loans uk People with a bad credit rating, which require a credit card or bank loans no credit, check exercise in humiliation.

  163. Due to technological improvement, there has been arranged the online form to submit and you can do it as fast as you want. Once you have completed the online method, you would see 6 Month Payday Loans cash credited to your account and it comes at the same day of applying. Hence, you don’t need to feel tensed as you can qualify for this deal without wasting much of your time. Now, you have to take quick action to access for this deal, which can bring relaxed finance in your life and you feel no pressure of handling them. So, wake up and don’t visit to lenders to have some cash aid as you can approach for the wonderful No Guarantor Loans deal as early as you want. Get hold of sufficient money, which is just available at your fingertips and you have to work nothing hard.

  164. However, to enjoy this low rate unsecured personal loans tolerance of the debtor's actual interest paid and interest rate differences officially settled by the decision to pay the tax. However, loans secured by the fact that it is quite appropriate tax concessions planned to stay and I would not bother. In addition, the tax credit amount is small compared to the amount of fees and loans, it is subject to certain provisions for a tax refund. It is easy for the public offering financial solutions prepared with an attempt unsecured personnel loans profitable, because all of these features are summarized.

  165. However, to enjoy this low rate unsecured personal loans tolerance of the debtor's actual interest paid and interest rate differences officially settled by the decision to pay the tax. However, loans secured by the fact that it is quite appropriate tax concessions planned to stay and I would not bother. In addition, the tax credit amount is small compared to the amount of fees and loans, it is subject to certain provisions for a tax refund. It is easy for the public offering financial solutions prepared with an attempt unsecured personnel loans profitable, because all of these features are summarized.

  166. 12 month loans no credit check is meant for inhabitants of US only who are employed with a regular income. The person has to be 18 years or above with a bank account under his name. These conditions are necessary for every individual for professional purpose. 12 month loans no credit check is meant for inhabitants of US only who are employed with a regular income. The person has to be 18 years or above with a bank account under his name. These conditions are necessary for every individual for professional purpose.

  167. 30 day loans will normally have a higher rate of interest than other types of loans. This is simply because adverse credit loans are much more risky to the bank. Even though one should expect adverse credit loans to have a higher rate of interest, it is worthwhile to look around at different rates offered to you by other lenders.

  168. 60 day loans the indication is towards that individual sort of credits that no collateral is needed for. Whereas there's no likelihood of loss of any precious commodity in case of default in payment, there's an opportunity that one may well be served with a legal notice.

  169. short term loans are a wonderful unusual for those who have bad credit history. But one must be sensitive that if he failed to repay the loan amount, then instead of improving, the distress of his credit scores badly. And increase its debt trouble as well. Therefore, individuals are advised to check their financial capacity at first, and then go for a bad credit debt consolidation loan. And last, but not the most rational decision will help borrowers to repair their bad credit score through these loans.

  170. Financial emergencies are unforgiving Rather When It Comes To Granted the time to get 'em sorted out. Whether it is a final instant loans for bad credit notice on a mortgage payment or an unexpected medical situation payments are expected to have close time immediately as possible. Thankfully, it is now feasible to secure personal loans with bad credit.

  171. Financial emergencies are unforgiving Rather When It Comes To Granted the time to get 'em sorted out. Whether it is a final instant loans for bad credit notice on a mortgage payment or an unexpected medical situation payments are expected to have close time immediately as possible. Thankfully, it is now feasible to secure personal loans with bad credit.

  172. Have you been trapped in financial pell-mell? Have you not prolific way to derive urgent funds to meet with urgencies? Then, you are at the right place. To get matched your needs you’re your funds effectively, you need to consider payday loans for people on benefits loans for people on benefit. These loans are the right monetary tools for all those people living on DSS benefits as they can effectively manage external monetary succor without placing any type of security. And so, you are fully freedom to make money tight on time.

    Don’t be fretted if you are disabled due to physically or mentally affliction, since you can smoothly apply for payday benefits loans loans for people on benefits without pledging any sort of security against the loan. What’s more! Marked with defaults, arrears, CCJs, IVA, late payments, missed payments, payment overdue, foreclosure and even insolvency you are still worth raising utmost benefits from payday loans for people on benefits in an easy way. But keep in mind that bad creditors have to reimburse the fund on the due date

  173. Prior to apply for these loans for people on benefits loan schemes you are required to follow some basic eligibility criterions like you must be permanent inhabitant of UK. You must hold a regular job from last six months. You must hold a regular monthly income from DSS service. You must be 18 years old. You must be maintaining a savings account with the savings at least 500. After following these pre conditions you are fully freedom to apply for payday loans for people on benefits by filling out a simple online application with your genuine details and submit it on the lenders website. After verifying your details, the cash is transferred into your active bank account within the least possible time.

    Amount that you get your hands on through payday loans for people on benefits is in the range of 100 to 1000 without facing any tedious procedure. As these credits are short term and so, the amount is repaid within the time period of 14 to 31 days. You can utilize these benefits loans loans for various small needs like previous credit card bills, electricity bills, household needs, medical expenses and so forth.

  174. A significant profit of 12 month credits 12 month is that regardless of the fact that borrower is rejected a credit from other expected giving establishments because of his awful record as a consumer, these advances are instantly endorsed without any credit checks. This implies that the borrower is permitted to get paying little mind to his past records generally installments, installment defaults and Ccjs. Any individual who has not finished 18 years of age can't seek 12 month credits on the web. So as to acquire this advance, borrower must be a UK native and forever utilized with a stable salary. He must gain a base compensation of in any event £1000.

  175. The amount you can borrow did on Instant Cash loans for people on benefits Online depends on the Lender's limit. Normally for new borrower, you will only receive an introductory loan amount. If you were able to repay your benefits loans amount on time, you might also be given Name a higher loan limit the next time you apply for at Instant Cash Loans Online.

    You are having hard time of paying your loan on your due date; you must inform your lender as early as possible. This is to avoid any additional penalties. Contact the lender if you feel you can not pay your dues on time to set up on alternate arrangement

  176. The amount you can borrow did on Instant Cash loans for people on benefits Online depends on the Lender's limit. Normally for new borrower, you will only receive an introductory loan amount. If you were able to repay your benefits loans amount on time, you might also be given Name a higher loan limit the next time you apply for at Instant Cash Loans Online.

    You are having hard time of paying your loan on your due date; you must inform your lender as early as possible. This is to avoid any additional penalties. Contact the lender if you feel you can not pay your dues on time to set up on alternate arrangement

  177. The amount you can borrow did on Instant Cash loans for people on benefits Online depends on the Lender's limit. Normally for new borrower, you will only receive an introductory loan amount. If you were able to repay your benefits loans amount on time, you might also be given Name a higher loan limit the next time you apply for at Instant Cash Loans Online.

    You are having hard time of paying your loan on your due date; you must inform your lender as early as possible. This is to avoid any additional penalties. Contact the lender if you feel you can not pay your dues on time to set up on alternate arrangement

  178. The method of Securing star bucks via instant loans for people on benefits for people on benefits is quite easy and convenient. For getting the cash, the all it needs to is to fill up a benefits loans form with all needed information related to your personal information and bank account details. Once the or’s bank account. Through synthesis loans you can get cash in the range of 80 to 750 with the repayment term of 14 to 31 days.

  179. Internet Payday Loans are becoming an increasingly popular way for people to access fast cash when they need it. A requirement of these types of loans is that they are to be repaid from your next paycheck, and so they are really just like getting an advance on your pay.

  180. Bad credit installment loans were developed to help you satisfy your personal needs. This means that people who choose to get a bad credit installment loan have all chances to eliminate some of their problems. Having financing problems is not something uncommon. Most people were affected by the changes which were brought by the financial crisis so you should stop worrying that you are the only person in the world who has financial problems.

  181. That Would Be more suitable for him to repay . loans for bad credit Therefore , the interest rate paid for That Is Being His Will Be Existing debts manually bargain . payday loans bad credit Malthus Will Be there a possibility credit minor settlement, Which Will help him to sustain reliability to pay the And bad credit loans uk amount . And by paying debts frequently, he can Easily Improve His credit can Obtainable a bad credit secured and secured in gold in unsecured form . Like other secured loans , borrowers -have oath bad credit payday loans to security against a secured bad credit and can borrow the sum ranging from five thousand to seventy five thousand the other hand , no security is required to avail bad credit debt loans in unsecured way .

  182. Taking up a mortgage loans for people on benefits in Canada or any of the cities in this country is a taxing process, mostly because of strict financial policies. Loan can be taken for a wide range of purposes, starting from construction of a house to meeting the expenses of buying essential items. Accordingly, the amount of loan and the mortgages will vary. Ideally, most of the financial institutions check out the mortgage values before giving off the loans. So, when approaching a bank in Brampton in Canada for an it is better to check the option of Mortgage loans in Brampton can be quite easily secured for a loan amount, especially in the refinance scheme, if there is sufficient knowledge. Many people are nowadays arranging for refinancing loans, but with the help of proper brokers handling these types of mortgages.
    Plenty of benefits from second mortgages for covering previous due With many people in Brampton, the concept of mortgage refinancing have become popular. It is possible to get these kinds of benefits loans because of benefit to the financial institutions as well as for the individuals. For the banks, there is a surety that the loan amount would be returned and the borrowers are able to get benefited to a greater extent.

  183. 12 month payday loans is a form of cash advance in which the applicant can avail the money for tenure of 1 year it has been designed for taking care of the individual’s emergency requirements of cash with the limited salary.

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